“In my artistic activity the painting transforms itself in action and path to be follow. I’m interested in city scenaries, animals performing human activity, dead and the unconscious simbols that bound the human race.
I try to use the color as the main caracter, to explote its expresivity, the contrasts that offers and the possibles alliances that can be build.
The result of this is seeing emerge the color as a bridge to comunícate with the deepest simbols that exists in our spirit”.
Antonella Trovarelli, Mendoza, Argentina in 1983.
Argentinian artist that resides in Madrid since 2015. In 2010 she moves into Buenos Aires where she studies with the masters Helena Distefano and Heriberto Zorrilla, making a deep research in pictorical arts both theoretical and practical, after that she continue her carreer as an autodidact painter.
In 2018 she joins the project Zapadores Cuidad del Arte/Museo SXXI where she has her own studio. Located in Madrid this project gathers both emerging and consagrated artists of Spain.
She has made solo and collective exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Valencia and Madrid. She has been featured in the 10ª Edition of Flamantes Magazine and in several publications in Spain, England, Croatia, Italy and Israel.
Per ulteriori informazioni visita il profilo dell’artista, attiva su Instagram come @trovarelliantonella.