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After a brief period of absence due to the Christmas holidays, we’re finally back with our continuing research based on “images & social media”. Today we’ve selected artists who find inspiration in the works of Edward Hopper and create new artwork using the camera.
The poetic suspension of time, the solitude, and silences portrayed in the paintings by the American artist are reimagined in the photos of contemporary artists from around the world. If you love Nighthawks, Automat or Morning Sun using the hashtag #edwardhopperinspired you’ll discover numerous photographs that, from the surroundings to the colours, will transport you to a contemporary version of hoppers universe.
Let’s get to it! This week’s Top #3 will also include a bonus: an exhibition that you can access and view online until February 2021.
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@Hopperiana by Photology
In a Top #3 list such as this, we couldn’t forget to mention Hopperiana, an exhibition curated by Photology which you can view online until the 21st of February 2021. An online virtual tour which includes works by Franco Fontana, Luca Campigotto, Gregory Crewdson and Richard Tuschman, all artists who – like in Hoppers works – seem to capture silence, solitude and isolation from their own personal perspective.

Richard Tuschman©, Green Bedroom (4 AM), 2013, Inkjet print on cotton paper, cm 76×60, Edition 3-6, Signed on verso Framed, Courtesy Photology
Due to the global pandemic, which is (unfortunately) still ongoing, we have all found ourselves isolated in one way or another. The photographs included in Hopperiana aren’t just metaphors or mental states, they can be seen as representing present times.
«This third chapter of Hopperiana follows up the previous shows at Photology Milano (2014) and Photology Noto (2016). More than ever before, our new exhibit (on line from 1st December 2020 to 21st February 2021) aims to be a vision on contemporary society enriched of non-places, non-humans with solitude and stillness. It tells about melancholy, self-isolation of a global civilization which reaching the epitome of its economic and technological development, it is now forced to stop and re-think about its future through a deep introspective analysis».
P.S: are you an artist active on Instagram? You could be selected for our Top #3 of the week: use the hashtag #zirartmag in your posts and become part of our community!
Translated by Ludovica Sarti
Find more Top #3 on ZìrArtmag